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Travel vaccines for Asia are not mandatory but you should definitely consider them. There is many health risks waiting for you when traveling to Asia. Therefore it’s good to. come prepared and know what to expect. Let’s take a look at the recommended vaccines you should consider before your trip.
Mandatory vaccines
Most of the Asian countries do not require any vaccines. The only vaccine which is mandatory in some countries is yellow fever. This is only mandatory for those traveling from countries where yellow fever occurs. No European country is on this list.
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Recommended vaccines for Asia
None of the following vaccines are necessary. The best choice is to discuss this with your doctor. At travel clinics they can recommend you vaccines based on where you’re going and for how long. Let the specialists help you. In Slovakia some of these vaccines are mandatory and there’s a chance you already have them, too.
Hepatitis A
What is it...
Hepatitis A is a viral disease also known as the „disease of dirty hands“. The main measure you can take is washing your hands often. However you cannot be sure that all the people who touched your food follow this rule. The most commonly infected food includes fruits, vegetables, fish and seafood, water and ice in drinks. You can prevent it by vaccination.
The most ideal vaccine is Havrix which is only given in one dose. You should get the vaccine at least 2 weeks before travel. A booster is recommended after 6-12 months since the first shot. The price of vaccine (in Slovakia) is around 24€.
Hepatitis B
What is it...
Hepatitis B is a serious viral disease transferred through blood and blood products. It can be infected medical equipment (needles), razors or unprotected sex. The risk group includes medical professionals, soldiers etc.
Vaccination against Hepatitis B is mandatory in Slovakia since 1998.
Most commonly used vaccine is Twinrix which protects you against both types A and B. Vaccine is given in 3 shots – second one after a month and the third one 6 months after the 1. shot. If necessary this process can be shortened and whole vaccination can be done in 21 days. You doctor will definitely help you with this. Price (in Slovakia) is 43€.
Typhoid fever
What is it...
Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection. It’s mostly spread in countries with poor hygiene and in third world countries. It’s transmitted through contaminated food and drinks. The best protection is vaccination.
Vaccination is given in 1 dose at least 2 weeks before travel. It expires after 3 years. The price of Typhim vaccination is around 35€ (in Slovakia).
What is it...
Rabies is transmitted through infected saliva of animals (mostly dogs, cats, bats or monkeys). You can get infected when your damaged skin gets in contact with the animal’s saliva or after a bite.
Vaccination is given in 3 doses. The whole process takes 28 days. A booster is recommended after 2-3 years. The price for all 3 shots (in Slovakia) is around 120€. The vaccine used is called Verorab.
Meningococcal meningitis
What is it...
You will encounter this disease mainly in subtropical Africa, but also in some countries of South America and Southeast Asia or in parts of India. There are several types of this disease. In general, it is inflammation of the meninges, which can also cause blood poisoning. It is an extremely dangerous disease. It is transmitted by droplets.
When vaccinated with the Nimenrix vaccine, you only need one dose. The price of the Nimenrix vaccine is around €50 (in Slovakia). The vaccine should be effective for 10 years.
Japanese encephalitis
What is it...
This disease is transmitted by mosquito bites. Usually the disease passes very easily. In a few cases, however, paralysis or falling into a coma may occur. However, the disease occurs only in some areas. If you are going to these areas for a long time, consider vaccination.
It is necessary to be vaccinated at least one month before traveling with 2 doses of the Ixiaro vaccine. Revaccination is recommended after 1-2 years. The price of the vaccine is around €90-100 (in Slovakia).
At the time when we were vaccinated (June 2022), in Slovakia this vaccine could only be purchased in Bratislava. I think vaccination could also be done only in Bratislava.
What is it...
Cholera is transmitted through contaminated food or water. It is an infectious disease affecting the intestinal tract. It is manifested by diarrhea, vomiting and subsequent dehydration. Its course is usually not difficult. But don’t forget that healthcare is not that developed in some areas. It is important to observe the basics of hygiene.
In addition to observing basic hygiene measures, vaccination will also help. Vaccination is given orally by drinking a liquid. Vaccination has 2 doses and is effective for 2 years.
What is it...
Tetanus occurs when the skin is injured by a puncture wound, scratch or burn. The disease is caused by the ingress of bacteria, which can be found in animal feces as well as in dust. Bacteria survive in the soil. Injury by a rusty object is also dangerous. It is manifested by strong muscle spasms.
Vaccination against tetanus is mandatory in Slovakia. Check with your doctor if you have it.
Other diseases to think about
What is it...
Malaria is a disease transmitted by mosquito bites. More than a million people die from it every year. It is manifested by fevers, chills, headaches, nausea, chills. In more severe cases, coma and subsequent death may occur. It also has flu-like symptoms.
Unfortunately, there is no vaccination for malaria. Try to protect yourself from mosquito bites by, for example, wearing long clothes in areas with increased incidence. Always have repellent handy. The most effective prevention and treatment are the so-called antimalarial drugs. You can only get them with a doctor’s prescription in a pharmacy. Medicines should be taken before arriving in an area with malaria. If you plan to travel for a long time, you can take the medicine before arriving in the most dangerous areas. Also, always have them on hand. If you have the first suspicion of malaria, immediately take antimalarial drugs and seek medical help. However, consult a doctor before traveling.
Dengue fever
What is it...
This disease is also transmitted by mosquito bites. Its symptoms are fever, headache, muscle and joint pain. The symptoms are similar to the flu. It occurs in the countries of Asia, America and Africa.
Unfortunately, there is no vaccine or medicine for this disease. The only possible prevention is avoiding mosquito bites.
Where to get vaccination in Slovakia
There are several places in Slovakia where you can get vaccinated before traveling. They will also issue your International Vaccination Card there. You can find clinics in Martin, Žilina, Banská Bystrica, Trenčín, Nitra. You can find a list of all clinics HERE.
Our experience
We got vaccinated in Košice at UNLP. We each paid €20 at the center for foreign diseases. It is an entry fee that applies „forever“. We received all medical prescriptions, advice, all vaccines were administered here and the International Vaccination Card was issued. The staff is very nice and helpful and we definitely recommend it.
In June 2022, we were vaccinated half a year before traveling to Asia (India and SE Asia). The doctor recommended vaccination against Hepatitis type A and B (we already had B), meningitis, typhoid and rabies. However, we skipped the rabies, as 3 dose are needed and we were short on time due to going to Switzerland. All vaccinations went completely smoothly without any side effects. If we don’t count shoulder pain 😀