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In today’s advanced age, we no longer use old maps, dictionaries or compasses. All these things are hidden in our smart phones. All the best travel apps in this article are FREE to use. Thanks to them, traveling is much easier and we can say that it is also more conveniente. We have selected for you only the best mobile applications that have helped us countless times on our trips, at home and abroad.
This application is excellent because it works in countries where other navigations do not work at all. You can download offline maps and you don’t have to rely on the internet. In map you can find marked tourist routes, paths that you will not find on other applications, benches, places with free drinking water, gazebos, various types of monuments, etc. The possibilities are almost endless. You can also mark the places you want to visit or have already visited on the map. We never got lost with this app. The only problem it has is that sometimes it shows you strange routes if you drive.
We only use this application for hiking. In Slovakia and the Czech Republic, tourist routes are well marked. They are even divided according to color. You can also find contour lines on the map, so you can also check the elevation. The application sometimes calculates the hiking time a little wrong, but in most cases it is accurate. You can download offline maps, so you don’t need internet to use them.
The Park4night app is essential for road trips and when you are sleeping in a car outside of campsites. On the map you will find many marked places that are suitable for sleeping in the car. In addition, there are marked parking lots and campsites. Individual locations have been marked on the map by users, and users have the opportunity to add ratings to these locations. It’s the ratings that make this app awesome. You can always read other people’s experiences. You will find out if they had any problems with the police or security guards, the price for parking and also how does it looks like there. Thanks to this app, we never had any problems while sleeping in the car.
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The Rome2rio app will help you with transportation. It doesn’t matter where you are, you can always plan your trip with her. It will show you all possible opportunities of transportation from point A to point B. Whether it is air, land or water transport. It will show you specific transport companies and also links to the official website.
The Windy app is great for the weather. The advantage is that it works everywhere in the world. You can track rain and precipitation, temperature, cloudiness, wind and waves. You will have at your disposal radars with precipitation for the last 12 hours, which were updated every hour. Thanks to the radar weather forecast, you can monitor how the weather may develop in the next 10 days.
Google maps
We almost always use Google Maps when traveling by car. When using the application with the Internet, it will show you traffic jams and thanks to this you can avoid them in advance. You can download the maps to your mobile and you won’t need the internet. But you have to download the maps in parts and you can not download the whole country at once. We see this as a minor disadvantage. Google maps also doesn’t show you your current speed.
Booking, Airbnb, Easybook
Booking a Airbnb
While traveling, we look for accommodation through Booking and Airbnb. We use the Booking application the most because it provides discounts for its users. You have different levels on your profile on Booking. From genius 1 to genius 3. To qualify for level 3, members must complete at least 15 stays in the last 2 years. With levely genius 3, the discounts go up to 20%. We recommend always using the mobile app rather than the browser, as some hotels offer better prices when purchased via mobile!
With the help of the mobile application, you can quickly check the availability of hotels, motels and hostels in the vicinity. You can quickly sort accommodation options by price or distance. In the case of Airbnb, you are not looking for accommodation in hotels, but with ordinary people who rent out a room or even an entire house. Before you travel, always check the prices on both platforms and compare them.
The Easybook application is very smart and you can always count on the fact that the purchased transport tickets will be valid. It is excellent not only for buying tickets, but also for planning a trip. You can buy a combined ticket that will include different types of transport. This app can only be used in most Southeast Asian countries.
Uber, Taxify
By using the Uber app abroad, you avoid problems with paying in a different currency. You have your own card added to the application, so it is really easy to pay. The advantage is that the taxi driver will not try to cheat you with the price of the transport. You only need to pay attention to individual taxis, or surcharges during night driving or peak hours. Taxify handles all things equally and in some cases your trip will be even cheaper.